Fill out this form and receive 50% off your first visit. Normally $120.00, you pay just $60.00!

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I suffered a near fatal accident last October 2015. I survived a high speed car accident to which I collided head on into the middle wall of I-80. I suffered multiple fractures on my sternum, all of my ribs, as well as some pretty severe head injuries. I worked with my doctors and came back to a state where I needed some Rehabilitation work completed to get back into normal day to day life. Although I work for a hospital system and a healthcare organization, I still chose to work with Functional Effect because they knew my body type before the accident, knew what my goals were for the Rehabilitation and my long term goals post Rehabilitation, as well as the fact that they were the most friendly and professional group of fitness people I have ever encountered. I worked with Dr. Reynolds, Sarah, Andrew and David for a course of about 2-3 months. I am not only back to my pre-accident form, but more flexible and stronger than before the accident. I am working out at a more frequent and higher pace, my nutrition and workout schedule is a much higher priority than it has ever been, and I finished running a marathon this past fall all because of their Rehabilitation program that they designed specifically for me and my needs, as well as the care and dedication that they showed me each and every day throughout my treatment. I would not be in the amazing shape I am in today if it wasn’t for Functional Effect and the work they guided me through.



About Us

Functional Effect Rehabilitation is located just east of I-355 and south of I-88 in Downers Grove, IL. Dr. Reynolds offers chiropractic care, acupuncture, sports rehabilitation, nutrition, and soft tissue work.  We treat a large variety of spine and extremity conditions and use supplements and nutrition to help with existing medical issues. Dr. Reynolds specializes in shoulder rehabilitation and works with many elite level baseball pitchers. Dr. Reynolds takes pride in helping people get better fast. Most conditions respond to treatment and home exercises within 1-3 visits. Each patient’s condition, exam, and their comfort level with therapies determines which treatments will be used.   If someone happens to be non-responsive to treatment, Dr. Reynolds doesn’t encourage ongoing care and help get the patient to the right person for his or her condition.

The short number of office visits for each condition is truly what separates us from other clinics. Our philosophy and training involves many different therapies and includes the patient taking an active, independent role in their care.  The patients’ involvement in managing their condition is essential for their results and avoiding ongoing medical expenses and repeated office visits. We value your time and money and will help provide you with a means to keep yourself healthy and out of the office.

Our average, first visit is 1 hour and follow-ups are 30 minutes.  The entire appointment time is spent face to face with Dr. Reynolds as opposed to with assistants or hooked up to various machines. When appropriate, we also perform a allergy lab work services. Each visit and treatment is individually tailored to each patient.  Your visit with Dr. Reynolds will truly be different than any other medical visit.

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Organic Elderberry Syrup DIY Kit

Organic Elderberry Syrup DIY Kit


Known as the “medicine chest of herbs” elderberry is great for boosting the immune system and helping kick your allergies and shorten the lifespan of a cold or the flu. Use these ingredients, or the contents of your DIY kit to create your own 12oz syrup.

Standard Dose:
Children: ½ – 1 teaspoon per day

Adults: ½ – 1 Tablespoon per day

If sick: Dose with the same amount, every 2-3 hours until your symptoms subside completely.